
trugen jacn

Uighur Muslims … targeted inside and outside their land


Dr. Ziad Al Shami


Muslim minorities in most, if not all, of the world’s countries, are targeted within their country, homeland, and children, they are persecuted in their own homes and they are mistreated and subjected to discrimination and harassment simply because they are united Muslims.


….. It is a fact that no longer argues fair and reasonable, the news of the incidents of persecution of Muslims in the Earth’s outskirts and its daily media is more than just an article. The scenes of murder, abuse, and displacement of Muslims in Arakan and …… The eye of the visionary can not fail it.


As for a minority of Muslim minorities in the world to be targeted outside their home countries as well as within their country, and members of this vulnerable group in the diaspora countries are prosecuted…. It is very serious and a precedent that should not be passed without a reaction even with a comment or a statement of rejection and disapproval.


Yes….. This is what the communist government of China is doing towards the Muslims of the Uighur within their home country and their historical homeland, the occupied “East Turkistan” and beyond. Not only did the campaign of repression, harassment, and persecution against them in their homes, which led them to forced migration, they have even pursued them in the diaspora and are demanding that they are deported and returned to China for fear of what they call it “Radicalization and Extremism”.


Within the so-called “Xinjiang” region of the Muslim majority of the Uighurs, the level of persecution of this minority by the Chinese authorities has reached far-reaching limits. In addition to preventing men from having beards, preventing women from wearing hijab and preventing Muslims from performing the most important pillars of their religion, “praying and fasting”, and denying them the name of their birth in Islamic names…. The Chinese authorities have forced the Uighur Muslims to download the “Jinwang” program on their mobile phones to watch them and locate them wherever they go.


The program, which is considered a flagrant violation of human privacy and a suppressive action, was described by the Chinese media as “the elder brother’s application” in an attempt to change facts, manipulate terminology, name things without their real names, and disguise the reality of this repressive racist action.

This program not only monitors files placed by Uighur Muslims on their mobile phones and identifies “terrorist” and “illegal” religious materials from videos, photos, books and electronic documents. It also extracts conversation applications and information stored on mobile phone chips to be transferred to a server controlled by the Chinese authorities.


Taking into consideration the severity of the penalty imposed by the Chinese authorities — 10 days detention —for those who ignore these directives, and the extent to which the decision-making mechanism is implemented through the deployment of checkpoints in various public places…. It confirms the magnitude of the ferocity of China’s campaign against the Uighur.


The Chinese authorities’ targeting of Uighur Muslims outside their occupied homeland has been illustrated by the recent campaign against them in the Diaspora by asking for the return of even the students and scholars in those countries to investigate and then deport them.


The “Financial Times” British newspaper reported that China asked overseas Muslim students to return and asked the authorities of countries abroad to deport or arrest them, to the extent that Beijing pressed one of the Uyghur Muslims in America for return, and a number of them were arrested by countries in Europe.


As the campaign against Muslims, in general, has become the title of the current stage in the region and the whole world has accused “Islam” the religion of God and its followers throughout the Earth–whether they are a minority or even a majority–falsely of “extremism, violence and so-called terrorism”. Many of these countries have responded to the Chinese authorities ‘ demand and have dealt with China’s accusations of Uighur Muslims abroad as facts!.


The United States of America and some countries of the old continent alone have carried out in one way or another what the Chinese authorities have demanded for the Uighur students. There are reports that Arab and Islamic countries have launched a large-scale campaign against the minority within their territory, perhaps in preparation for their deportation and return to China, which has made the most terrible suffering and persecution.


The least indication of the Chinese authorities’ targeting of Uighur Muslims overseas and their persecution even in diaspora countries … is the extent of the vulnerability of the Muslim Ummah, where one is no longer safe even after forced migration from his hometown and land And grew up in it !!!!







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